About Mentoplasty

It is the procedure by which the projection of the chin is modified either to increase or decrease it.

In the case of augmentation, we generally use a biocompatible silicone implant, which adapts very favorably achieving a natural appearance and in continuity with the facial skeleton. In some cases and when the correction or augmentation is one centimeter or more, we do not use an implant but a bone cut that allows us to move that part forward.

Similarly, when we want to reduce the projection of the chin, a bone cut is used with a backward displacement of the chin portion.

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Before and After

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+57 315 720 70 60

+57 315 720 70 60

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why have a Mentoplasty?

  • To harmonize the features of the face.
  • Adequately balance the facial profile.

What size is the implant?

The size is established for each patient according to the metric analysis of their profile.

Is the surgery painful?

Although the implant is small, it is usually under tension by the muscles in the area, which can cause discomfort and mild pain that is controlled with painkillers.

Can chin implant surgery be performed under local anesthesia?

When the procedure is unique and the patient is emotionally stable, it can be performed under local anesthesia, making use of an operating room that guarantees adequate aseptic conditions.